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St. Augustine of Hippo

Created for Triune Love

https://youtu.be/2n3FSsjJ1AI This Sunday we celebrate the Mystery that Is Our God. As Tony explains, the way we can know this Mystery most deeply and intimately is by experiencing It. This is where the sacraments of the Church come in. Bapt...
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Instruments of Divine Mercy

https://youtu.be/Ukv08ja3B7c Having celebrated the Feast of Divine Mercy on the 2nd Sunday of Easter, on the 3rd Sunday we are reminded that Divine Mercy continues to act down to the present day. As Tony explains, God's Mercy is present and...
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The Christian Life as Pilgrimage of Deification

https://youtu.be/MB9IEkvfsvE How are we saved? What do we need saving from, exactly? And what, if any, is our role in the process of salvation? In this FRESHImage Presents, Tony takes Fr. Teilhard de Chardin's poem, "Patient Trust," as a po...
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The Smile of God

https://youtu.be/SzdJ_R-pBJQ As we arrive at the midway point in our Lenten journey on this 4th Sunday of Lent, the Church bids us rejoice, laetare! The celebration of joy amid the Lenten discipline may seem odd at first, though, as Tony ex...
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You Are Not Your Own

https://youtu.be/dZv31wOKEjE On this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Tony discusses two very difficult but essential spiritual lessons that this weekend's readings teach us, both of which are radically countercultural message. The first is,...
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Investing Our Talents

https://youtu.be/9yBnRIaFsM0 On this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us a key spiritual lesson concerning our love for Christ through the parable of the talents. In effect, this parable poses a question to us, have we worked dil...
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Learning to Love Like God

https://youtu.be/ddObgWXTEV8 On this 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus proclaim the greatest commandment, that we are to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind. This is something we hear often, and the fact that we do can te...
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Giving God His Due

https://youtu.be/XVlgWx1YtwQ This weekend, Jesus turns a would-be trap by those who oppose Him into a deep spiritual lesson on the nature of human life. Taking a look at a denarius which bore the image of the Roman Emperor, Jesus says, "rep...
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The Wedding Feast of the Kingdom

https://youtu.be/Z-IOhGepP_M On this Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus continues to teach us about the Kingdom of God through parables, this time through the parable of the wedding feast. As Tony explains, through the analogical ...
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St. Augustine of Hippo On The Christian Life of Prayer-Pt. 2

In part one of this article on St. Augustine’s understanding of the Christian life of prayer we saw that for Augustine, prayer forms the Christian life to such an extent that it can itself be thought of as a prayer. We then began to explore the ...
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