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Lift Up Your Hearts

https://youtu.be/jfSiDmzlEdE As we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord's Ascension, we are reminded that Jesus' ascent into Heaven is something that we are all meant to experience, and not just at the end of our lives or at the end of time....
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40 Days in the Desert

https://youtu.be/7UP6rG2Npwo As we enter into the Season of Lent, the Church calls us to a participatory imitation of Christ's 40 day experience in the desert. As Tony explains, God desires for these 40 days in the desert to be a period of ...
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Music as an Instrument of Prayer

Personal prayer, alongside active participation in the Eucharistic liturgy, stands as an indispensable tool for cultivating and nurturing our relationship with God in daily life. However, delving into a state of profound and authentic prayer pos...
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Faith Must Be Lived

https://youtu.be/KfqkIHgBDns This Sunday, Jesus impresses upon us the importance of living out our faith through the parable of the two sons. As Tony Crescio discusses in light of the Gospel and our first reading from the Book of Ezekiel, t...
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Whisked Along in Love

https://youtu.be/qmbcYd358Ys Among the spiritual works of mercy is the admonishing of sinners. Though not a work of mercy many of us would choose to carry out, it is precisely the work Jesus calls us to in the Gospel this Sunday. As Tony Cresci...
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St. Augustine of Hippo On The Christian Life of Prayer-Pt. 2

In part one of this article on St. Augustine’s understanding of the Christian life of prayer we saw that for Augustine, prayer forms the Christian life to such an extent that it can itself be thought of as a prayer. We then began to explore the ...
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St. Augustine of Hippo on The Christian Life of Prayer-Pt. 1

In his biography of the life of his saintly teacher, Possidius, the Bishop of Calama, describes St. Augustine of Hippo as a man who exemplified the things he taught. Possidius writes,   not only was he a ‘scribe instructed unto the kingdom of...
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St. Monica and Spiritual Motherhood

Among other things, the celebration of the life of St. Monica today represents the fulfilment of a son’s prayer. At the end of Book Nine of his Confessions, St. Augustine of Hippo asks his readers to pray for his parents, most especially within ...
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Praying for God’s Justice

https://youtu.be/PwrmtbkOMB4 In the Gospel for this 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear of Jesus' encounter with a Canaanite woman, who comes to plead with Jesus on behalf of her daughter who is possessed by a demon. In his reflection, To...
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