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Ordinary Time

Living as the Family of God

https://youtu.be/Ipdh95xIg2I This weekend Jesus teaches us what it means to live as members of the Family of God. A first glance of this Sunday's Gospel seems as though Jesus teaches us this at the expense of His Mother, Mary. However, as T...
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The God Who Heals

https://youtu.be/ofLclFbP-64 This weekend, as we celebrate the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we confront one of the most difficult realities of human life, suffering. As Tony explains, our readings for this weekend teach us six important poi...
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Called to Live Prophetically

https://youtu.be/JSq8Xdow7Lg On this Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Church teaches us more about what it means to live out our created missional identities. In our first reading from the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses tells the People of I...
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You Are Not Your Own

https://youtu.be/dZv31wOKEjE On this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Tony discusses two very difficult but essential spiritual lessons that this weekend's readings teach us, both of which are radically countercultural message. The first is,...
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Embodying the Kingdom of God

https://youtu.be/vw7wMnHHtSA Today's celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe serves as a focal point on the horizon of the Christian life, reminding us of the end toward which we travel through life. And,...
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Investing Our Talents

https://youtu.be/9yBnRIaFsM0 On this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us a key spiritual lesson concerning our love for Christ through the parable of the talents. In effect, this parable poses a question to us, have we worked dil...
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Traveling by the Light of Virtue

https://youtu.be/0DOIVNoXW60 On this 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Jesus teaches us through the parable of the ten virgins. As Tony Crescio explains, through this imagery, Jesus is teaching us the importance of keeping our lives lit with His...
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Learning to Love Like God

https://youtu.be/ddObgWXTEV8 On this 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus proclaim the greatest commandment, that we are to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind. This is something we hear often, and the fact that we do can te...
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The Wedding Feast of the Kingdom

https://youtu.be/Z-IOhGepP_M On this Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus continues to teach us about the Kingdom of God through parables, this time through the parable of the wedding feast. As Tony explains, through the analogical ...
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Faith Must Be Lived

https://youtu.be/KfqkIHgBDns This Sunday, Jesus impresses upon us the importance of living out our faith through the parable of the two sons. As Tony Crescio discusses in light of the Gospel and our first reading from the Book of Ezekiel, t...
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