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Paschal Mystery

Living as the Family of God

https://youtu.be/Ipdh95xIg2I This weekend Jesus teaches us what it means to live as members of the Family of God. A first glance of this Sunday's Gospel seems as though Jesus teaches us this at the expense of His Mother, Mary. However, as T...
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The Greatest Love

https://youtu.be/HnJgRQYR6kQ On this 6th Sunday of Easter, Jesus commands us to do something that seems impossible, to love as God loves. As Tony explains, such a command would indeed be impossible to live out and therefore futile for God t...
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Instruments of Divine Mercy

https://youtu.be/Ukv08ja3B7c Having celebrated the Feast of Divine Mercy on the 2nd Sunday of Easter, on the 3rd Sunday we are reminded that Divine Mercy continues to act down to the present day. As Tony explains, God's Mercy is present and...
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Only the Beginning

https://youtu.be/jbpQqvP4Uqk On this most solemn night, the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and His triumph over our enemies of sin and death. However, as Tony explains, while the Resurrection of Christ is the apex of th...
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At the Crossroads of Divine Love and Human Cruelty: The Reproaches of Good Friday

Holy Week, stands above all others as the high point on the Church’s liturgical calendar due to its profound spiritual and theological significance, as well as the rich variety of liturgical forms and ancient customs. These seven days, brimming ...
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Divine Responsibility

https://youtu.be/_OrFX7ElFUw On this Palm Sunday, Tony addresses a contemporary challenge voiced by many concerning justification. Namely, that it is God Who must justify Himself for all of the violence and evil in the world, which He is ul...
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The Hour of Glory

https://youtu.be/zpzsuYlrtaA On this 5th Sunday of Lent, we see two movements revolving around Jesus. On the one hand, we find that many are attracted to and being drawn to Him. And on the other, a group determined to do whatever it takes t...
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The Triduum: Living a Paschal Life

https://youtu.be/Wy44W1rrwEA This talk was delivered as part of the Lenten Speaker Series at St. Anselm Parish in St. Louis, MO. In it, Tony discusses how the Triduum, the most solemn liturgical celebration in Christianity, is not merel...
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