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Kingdom of God

The Kingdom God Created

https://youtu.be/MLRNeO6sCBw On this 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of God through two parabolic images. And the Divine Vision Jesus reveals to us through these images is grand indeed. For, as Tony explains...
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A Kingdom of Beauty: Part 3

https://youtu.be/QySlwF-tV5o In the Gospel for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us once again about the Kingdom of Heaven through parables. As Tony Crescio explains, three parables we hear this Sunday speak to the abso...
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A Kingdom of Beauty: Part 2

https://youtu.be/FI8Noe9quxk This Sunday Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of Heaven through three distinct parables. As Tony Crescio explains, the parables Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom are analogical in nature. This does not mean th...
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December 19: O Root of Jesse

O flower of Jesse’s stem, you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in your presence; the nations bow down in Worship before you. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid (Christian Prayer, 124). In this r...
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St. Antony of Egypt: A Signpost for Our Times

(Memorial of St. Antony of Egypt, January 17) We live in what seems increasingly with each passing day, precarious times. Lately, for the common individual, the one who has no societal clout, whose voice is just as likely to be silenced as to...
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