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imago Dei

Thomas Merton on the Unity of All Things in the Love of Christ

A man cannot enter into the deepest center of himself and pass through that center into God, unless he is able to pass entirely out of himself and empty himself and give himself to other people in purity of a selfless love (New Seeds of Contempl...
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Viviendo la Respuesta del Cordero

II Domingo Ordinario: 1-15-17 La Paz Sea Con Ustedes, Habiendo celebrado la Epifanía el domingo pasado y el Bautismo del Señor el siguiente lunes, la Iglesia ha entrado en lo que llama Tiempo Ordinario en el calendario litúrgico.  Sin embargo, ...
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Living out the Lamb’s Response

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1-15-17 Peace be with You, Having celebrated Epiphany last Sunday and the Baptism of the Lord the following Monday, the Church has entered into what it calls Ordinary Time on the liturgical calendar.  However, th...
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Mr. Church and Finding the True Self in a Complete Gift of Self (Spoiler Alert)

By Tony Crescio “Henry Joseph Church could’ve been anything he wanted to be, he chose to cook, the key he said, jazz.”  These are the opening lines of the 2016 film, “Mr. Church,” starring Eddie Murphy as the title character.  Mr. Church drops int...
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Blood Father & Restoring Innocence (Spoiler Alert)

By Tony Crescio Mel Gibson stars as John Link in the 2016 film, Blood Father, the story of a down-and-out, ex-con father looking for his estranged 17 year old daughter Lydia (Erin Moriarty).  We first join John in a church where he is attending an...
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La Venida de la Gloria de Dios

II Domingo de Adviento: 12-4-16 La Paz Sea Con Ustedes, La semana pasada como comenzamos la temporada de Adviento, vimos que para estar verdaderamente preparados para darle la bienvenida a nuestro Salvador, debemos prepararnos para su venida vi...
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