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Fruits of the Spirit

Recreated by the Spirit

https://youtu.be/_j_ZG0W15ro As we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost, we also celebrate God's ongoing work of salvation in history through the Church, the sacrament of salvation in the world. As Tony explains, apart from the ongoing pres...
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Rejoice in the Lord Always: Gaudete Sunday

Amidst the four candles of the Advent wreath, one stands out in rose color, symbolizing the Third Sunday known as Gaudete Sunday. This Sunday’s liturgy resounds with a powerful yet seemingly simple message, "Rejoice!" The concept of Christian...
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True Freedom and the Beautiful Life

On July 4th, our country once again celebrates the day of our independence. Independence Day is rightly commemorated because of the victory won for human dignity, as freedom was gained for a people to live life according to the dictates of consc...
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