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The Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross is a beautiful prayer that properly orients us on our Lenten journey. This prayer, whether in its traditional or scriptural format, draws us into the drama of Christ’s Passion so as to contemplate this central event of our salvation. Careful contemplation of each station attunes us to the emotion of each scene so as to facilitate the acquisition of the virtues we see on display in the figures spoken of, most especially Christ. In so doing, we enter into ever deeper communion with Christ, joining Him ultimately on Calvary where we at once are moved by the unspeakable love shown to us and respond with a complete offering of ourselves. This movement toward self-giving love should, in turn, provide the form for the rest of the practices carried out during Lent, fasting, almsgiving, prayer, etc., so that each practice in its own way becomes an imitation of Christ’s self-sacrificing love.

Below you will find two versions of the Stations of the Cross for your use, traditional and scriptural. Please feel free to use them either as part of your personal prayer or in a group setting this Lenten Season.

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[…] gives us the strength to walk the Way of the Cross that expresses itself in consistent, Eucharistic self-gift. It is in letting go of ourselves that […]
