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The Stations of the Resurrection

A relatively new devotion for the Easter Season of the Church, the Stations of the Resurrection, also known as the Via Lucis (Way of Light), is just as beautiful and fruitful as its Lenten counterpart, the Stations of the Cross. As the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments writes in its Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy, “Through the Via Lucis, the faithful recall the central event of the faith – the resurrection of Christ – and their discipleship in virtue of Baptism, the paschal sacrament by which they have passed from the darkness of sin to the bright radiance of the light of grace (cf. Col 1, 13; Ef 5, 8)” (153). Accordingly, following Christ on the Via Lucis, our minds are set on the horizon of eternity so that as we make our way to the Heavenly Homeland, we might remind a world mired in the darkness of despair and nihilism characteristic of the culture of death, that life is of eternal worth, and thereby begin to restore the culture of life today.

Below you will find the prayer resource we have put together for praying the Via Lucis. Share it and pray it with others so that we might make the joy of Easter known and present in our world!

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