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Scripture Reflections

Ablaze but not Consumed
https://youtu.be/MuOVPp0qTCI On this 3rd Sunday of Lent, together with Moses we encounter the extraordinary sight of the burning bush. As To...
Transfigured in Prayer
https://youtu.be/DKf66LE5uQ4 On this 2nd Sunday of Lent, we witness the Transfiguration of Jesus. As Tony explains, Luke's account of this g...
3 Basic Temptations
https://youtu.be/mUei81GxZOI On this First Sunday of Lent, we witness the threefold temptation of Jesus in the desert by Satan. As Tony expl...
Two Ways
https://youtu.be/RBXckxoOxdc On this 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus invites us to reflect upon the path we are traveling in life. As Ton...
Merciful Like the Father
https://youtu.be/8Nxxe7HfGng Having opened His interior life to us last weekend through the Beatitudes, on this 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time ...
Learning to Live Like Jesus
https://youtu.be/n86U0MlnELU On this 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are invited to listen as Jesus preaches the great Sermon on the Plain. ...
Answering the Call
https://youtu.be/AoXigsCW8g8 On this 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are invited to contemplate the concept of vocation through two calling ...
A Sacrifice to Imitate
https://youtu.be/4Mu--IiDn8o This Sunday's celebration of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord presents us with a dynamic portrait of s...
The Good News of Freedom
https://youtu.be/_QBFwGPUbBE Our Gospel reading for this 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, highlights one of the central elements for living in r...
Do Whatever He Tells You
https://youtu.be/6oVEXHdEdLA On this Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, we witness the Miracle of the Wedding at Cana. As Tony explains, in thi...
A God of Solidarity
https://youtu.be/J9w61nJofcs This Sunday our celebration of the Christmas Season ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. As Tony exp...
The Adventure of Holiness
https://youtu.be/IKQI0eqkma4 On this Sunday in the Octave of Christmas, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, a...
The Greatest Gift
https://youtu.be/l335WFeRRAY On this Fourth and final Sunday of Advent, we find ourselves amid the company of Mary, her cousin Elizabeth, an...
The Joy of Repentance
https://youtu.be/usYOxj0kWCo On this Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, the Church summons us to rejoice! However, as Tony explains, th...
Preparing for Encounter
https://youtu.be/Y8lmCZ5OhWo On this Second Sunday of Advent, St. Luke emphasizes the historical reality of the drama of salvation to us, an...
The Lord Our Justice
https://youtu.be/QxIdxBGXXYw On this First Sunday of Advent, we are reminded that a just society requires that the people of that society li...
The Triumph of Love
https://youtu.be/CFzrF05tL3M This weekend's celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, closes the Season o...
Overcoming Spiritual Blindness
https://youtu.be/SKCORTmiJ7k This Sunday we encounter Bartimaeus, the Son of Timaeus. As Tony explains, by naming this man twice, St. Mark i...
The Magnificence of the Christian Way of Life
https://youtu.be/Hjq6wC_ky5A On this 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus reminds us that the Christian Way of Life is truly magnificent. For...
Pursuing the Wisdom of God
https://youtu.be/wuxx9NFiKXU Friends, on this 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we are reminded of the totalizing nature of the Christian Way of...
All In
https://youtu.be/7smiJnPB7N0 On this 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, we arrive at the conclusion of Jesus' Bread of Life Discourse. As Tony ex...
Eating the Bread of Life
https://youtu.be/DS3pnVAF3uA On this 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we reach the very heart of Jesus' Bread of Life Discourse from chapter 6 ...
Living Bread
https://youtu.be/DsGRSDarI6E On this 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we continue our journey through Jesus' Bread of Life Discourse. This Sund...
Bread From Heaven
https://youtu.be/TMDEAXolMtU As we begin our 4 week examination of Jesus' Bread of Life Discourse from the Gospel of John, we hear Jesus all...
Loaves and Fish
https://youtu.be/m8Pj_BfXd50 On this 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we turn to chapter 6 of the Gospel of John for the first of several weeks...
One in Christ
https://youtu.be/VnG0q_3NF44 On this 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time, our readings remind us that throughout history, God has called human crea...
Called to Mission
https://youtu.be/wVdWsV6CME8 On this 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we are taught that being Christian means possessing a missional identity....
The Strength of Faith
https://youtu.be/rJWpDDI9riY On this 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, St. Mark presents us with the paradox of the Incarnation by placing us in...
A Faith That Heals
https://youtu.be/kU4uJIVgBoo On this 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Mark the Evangelist further reveals Jesus' identity through two healing e...
The One Whom the Wind and Sea Obey
https://youtu.be/7dxhKqZvu48 This Sunday we are drawn into the midst of a raging storm upon the sea with Jesus and the disciples. As Tony ex...
The Kingdom God Created
https://youtu.be/MLRNeO6sCBw On this 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of God through two parabolic images. A...
Living as the Family of God
https://youtu.be/Ipdh95xIg2I This weekend Jesus teaches us what it means to live as members of the Family of God. A first glance of this Sun...
Eucharist: Our Duty & Our Salvation
https://youtu.be/7y7R8l9J1DU This weekend the Church celebrates the great Solemnity of Corpus Christ, the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ...
Created for Triune Love
https://youtu.be/2n3FSsjJ1AI This Sunday we celebrate the Mystery that Is Our God. As Tony explains, the way we can know this Mystery most d...
Recreated by the Spirit
https://youtu.be/_j_ZG0W15ro As we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost, we also celebrate God's ongoing work of salvation in history throug...
Lift Up Your Hearts
https://youtu.be/jfSiDmzlEdE As we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord's Ascension, we are reminded that Jesus' ascent into Heaven is someth...
The Greatest Love
https://youtu.be/HnJgRQYR6kQ On this 6th Sunday of Easter, Jesus commands us to do something that seems impossible, to love as God loves. As...
Living as Branches on the Vine
https://youtu.be/OT59uaF7ZcI On this 5th Sunday of Easter, we are once again presented with one of the "I Am" statements of Jesus, this time...
The Life of the Good Shepherd
https://youtu.be/yZD2Wx1UZto The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday, for regardless of liturgical cycle, our Gospel re...
Instruments of Divine Mercy
https://youtu.be/Ukv08ja3B7c Having celebrated the Feast of Divine Mercy on the 2nd Sunday of Easter, on the 3rd Sunday we are reminded that...
A God Who Is Mercy
https://youtu.be/RHw1Xe9zh28 In its celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday, the Church speaks to the world the message that it desperately desir...
Only the Beginning
https://youtu.be/jbpQqvP4Uqk On this most solemn night, the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and His triumph over our ene...
Divine Responsibility
https://youtu.be/_OrFX7ElFUw On this Palm Sunday, Tony addresses a contemporary challenge voiced by many concerning justification. Namely, t...
The Hour of Glory
https://youtu.be/zpzsuYlrtaA On this 5th Sunday of Lent, we see two movements revolving around Jesus. On the one hand, we find that many are...
The Smile of God
https://youtu.be/SzdJ_R-pBJQ As we arrive at the midway point in our Lenten journey on this 4th Sunday of Lent, the Church bids us rejoice, ...
Living in the Virtue of God
https://youtu.be/B3yMi2ALSWo On this 3rd Sunday of Lent, we are reminded of a side of Jesus not often spoken about in the cleansing of the T...
The Sacrifice of Faith
https://youtu.be/Kdc3OloV4_M As we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent, we are confronted by what appear to be radically different scenes fr...
40 Days in the Desert
https://youtu.be/7UP6rG2Npwo As we enter into the Season of Lent, the Church calls us to a participatory imitation of Christ's 40 day experi...
The Imitation Game
https://youtu.be/36h-QSIp6bQ On this 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, St. Paul calls us to be imitators of him as he is an imitator of Christ. A...
The God Who Heals
https://youtu.be/ofLclFbP-64 This weekend, as we celebrate the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we confront one of the most difficult realities ...
Called to Live Prophetically
https://youtu.be/JSq8Xdow7Lg On this Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Church teaches us more about what it means to live out our created ...
I Have My Mission
https://youtu.be/ShGE94SO3DA Friends, on this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, we continue to learn more about what it means to live as a huma...
You Are Not Your Own
https://youtu.be/dZv31wOKEjE On this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Tony discusses two very difficult but essential spiritual lessons that ...
Shining with the Radiance of a King
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GFNfAP8oNQ The celebration of Epiphany is, in many ways, a celebration of the fulfillment of Godā€™s promise ...
Understanding Christmas Through Mary
https://youtu.be/VaKoOW2wMPQ Today concludes the celebration of the Octave of Christmas, and properly speaking, marks the midway point of th...
A Dwelling Place for God
https://youtu.be/K9a5NapAR4Q We have arrived at the Fourth and final Sunday of Advent, and this Sunday we see God's plan for the human famil...
The Baptist's Lesson-Part 2
https://youtu.be/GxW2lR2q0ms On this Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, the Church calls us to rejoice! As last Sunday, we are pres...
The Baptist's Lesson-Part 1
https://youtu.be/GlsJR4RA6Uc On this Second Sunday of Advent, we hear a shocking message and meet a no less shocking figure. The first is ma...
https://youtu.be/TmC4TElIem8 This Sunday marks the beginning of a new liturgical year in the life of the Church, and the First Sunday of Adv...
Embodying the Kingdom of God
https://youtu.be/vw7wMnHHtSA Today's celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe serves as a focal point on ...
Investing Our Talents
https://youtu.be/9yBnRIaFsM0 On this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us a key spiritual lesson concerning our love for Christ th...
Traveling by the Light of Virtue
https://youtu.be/0DOIVNoXW60 On this 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Jesus teaches us through the parable of the ten virgins. As Tony Crescio e...
The Greatness of Humility
https://youtu.be/YqTycfHN1rQ On this 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus denouncing the scribes and Pharisees and warning His discip...
Learning to Love Like God
https://youtu.be/ddObgWXTEV8 On this 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus proclaim the greatest commandment, that we are to love God ...
Giving God His Due
https://youtu.be/XVlgWx1YtwQ This weekend, Jesus turns a would-be trap by those who oppose Him into a deep spiritual lesson on the nature of...
The Wedding Feast of the Kingdom
https://youtu.be/Z-IOhGepP_M On this Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus continues to teach us about the Kingdom of God through par...
The Divine Gardener & The Grand Inquisitor
https://youtu.be/etNKdE5iwhI On this 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us through the parable of the tenants from the 21st chapter...
Faith Must Be Lived
https://youtu.be/KfqkIHgBDns This Sunday, Jesus impresses upon us the importance of living out our faith through the parable of the two sons...
It's Never Too Late
https://youtu.be/FW6A60S_PZU On this 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us the parable of the landowner calling laborers into his v...
Divine Tolerance
https://youtu.be/tVvKQQ9IKfw Tolerance is a word we hear regularly thrown about in the public square, and often elevated as a supreme virtue...
Whisked Along in Love
https://youtu.be/qmbcYd358Ys Among the spiritual works of mercy is the admonishing of sinners. Though not a work of mercy many of us would choos...
The Finest Quality of the Human Family
https://youtu.be/c4LoATGabE4 On this Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us a very difficult spiritual lesson in his rebuke...
Restoring Unity
https://youtu.be/3AM6p6r4rcA This Sunday we witness St. Peter's confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. This famous pa...
Praying for God's Justice
https://youtu.be/PwrmtbkOMB4 In the Gospel for this 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear of Jesus' encounter with a Canaanite woman, who co...
An Attentive Love
https://youtu.be/nCZ7UiDz8u8 In his reflection for this 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Tony Crescio discusses the episode of Jesus walking on...
Transfigured on the Mountain
https://youtu.be/TVoXIQyYHvE This Sunday we celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord. As Tony Crescio explains, what we see taking place in...
A Kingdom of Beauty: Part 3
https://youtu.be/QySlwF-tV5o In the Gospel for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us once again about the Kingdom of Hea...
A Kingdom of Beauty: Part 2
https://youtu.be/FI8Noe9quxk This Sunday Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of Heaven through three distinct parables. As Tony Crescio expla...
A Kingdom of Beauty: Part 1
https://youtu.be/3xvOfz2UadA On this Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus' parable of the sower and the seeds. As Tony Crescio e...
Living in the Real World
https://youtu.be/wgnJt2IrrLE In our Gospel reading for this Sunday, Jesus calls us to be meek and humble. These are two virtues sorely missi...
A Living Organism
https://youtu.be/yCbRLdVeITw In his reflection for this Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Tony Crescio reflects on what Jesus tells us tod...
Not So Ordinary Time
https://youtu.be/RB8f8z1bu_Q In his reflection for this 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Tony Crescio reminds us that in our pilgrimage with Go...
Sent by Name
https://youtu.be/2PTy8eI2AcY On this Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus calling His twelve disciples. As Tony Crescio explains ...
Eucharistic Imagination
https://youtu.be/BvHQuxm3vhw In his reflection for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Tony Crescio examines Jesus' teaching in the Bread of Li...
The Mystery of Divine Love
https://youtu.be/dUkikDhPehY On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Tony Crescio discusses one of two central doctrines of Christianity...
The Fire of Love
https://youtu.be/58MZ1PJmXWk In his reflection for Pentecost Sunday, Tony Crescio reflects on the episode of the descent of the Holy Spirit ...
A Higher Level of Existence
https://youtu.be/nna-mlr1IdA Though perhaps not often thought of in this way, the bodily Ascension of Christ is a central tenet of the Chris...
Living the Law of Love
https://youtu.be/TTZSa0FjvqI In our Gospel for this Sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus says to us, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments...
Through Him, With Him, and In Him
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHJFDn2au74 In his reflection for this weekend, Tony Crescio reflects on the meaning of Jesus telling us that He...
Entering Through the Gate
https://youtu.be/6yBIam-SCtE In the Gospel for this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we hear Our Lord use two images to describe our relationship to Him...
Walking East
https://youtu.be/dc_Xw8h0Cdc On this Third Sunday of Easter, Tony Crescio brings the episode of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus into con...
The Wounds of Love
https://youtu.be/roW6dR-PnuM The Second Sunday of Easter is known as Divine Mercy Sunday. On this Sunday we hear the well-known story of "doubti...
A Life of Alleluia
https://youtu.be/3VsKpxIigB0 In our time and place the bodily Resurrection in Christ is called into question by many. And even among those who b...
The Resolve of Love
https://youtu.be/zdxQqND1boE In his Gospel reflection for Palm Sunday, Tony focuses on the two figures of Judas and Peter. As Tony explains, the...
The Weeping Savior
https://youtu.be/SwRwK9tbwbQ In his Gospel reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent, Tony Crescio focuses on what the exile experience of the Peopl...
Hearing to See
https://youtu.be/FByDltjXhr4 In this reflection on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday, Tony Crescio highlights the central importance of ...
A Thirst Quenching Life
https://youtu.be/YzEMJmaZsz4 In this reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent, Tony Crescio examines Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman. A...
A Transforming Journey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKAMrK8hcVc In this reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent, Tony Crescio explores the call of Abram, contrasti...
Raising the Fallen
https://youtu.be/e0VH4KFezdo In this reflection for the First Sunday of Lent, Tony Crescio discusses the temptations of Adam and Eve in the Gard...
The School of Happiness
https://youtu.be/ec-KxdlHl5Y Friends, in the Gospel for the Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jesus has extreme demands for us, demands so extrem...
The Fabric of Happiness
https://youtu.be/XQkR4Eh3CvM Friends, on this Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jesus reveals to us the plan which God has for the human creature. ...
Transforming the World as Salt and Light
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0dXhe0SmG4 In today's Gospel for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Our Lord calls us to be the salt and light ...
Climbing the Ladder of Beatitude
https://youtu.be/ZeEwBkuTquU On this Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time we are invited to listen to Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. As Tony explains...