In his Gospel reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent, Tony Crescio focuses on what the exile experience of the People of Israel has to teach us about life this side of eternity. Just as the People of Israel experienced a spiritual death in being exiled, so too sin results in the spiritual death of the soul and, ultimately, bodily death that brings our time in this life to an end. But God did not create us for death. And the tears of Our Savior manifest just how much God loves life, and is willing to do anything to ensure that we have the life He created us for.
Mass Readings:
Reading 1: Ezekiel 37:12-14
Psalm: Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Reading 2: Romans 8:18-11
Gospel: John 11:1-45
Post image: Tim Green-Flickr
Tony Crescio is the founder of FRESHImage Ministries. He holds an MTS from the University of Notre Dame and is currently a PhD candidate in Christian Theology at Saint Louis University. His research focuses on the intersection between moral and sacramental theology. His dissertation is entitled, Presencing the Divine: Augustine, the Eucharist and the Ethics of Exemplarity.
Tony’s academic publications can be found here.
What an amazing reflection about how much our Lord truly loves us!!! Thanks so much. Tony!!
Thanks very much! I’m very glad that you found it helpful.