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The Luminous Mysteries

The following are slide shows that contain the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary for your use. They are intended as educational tools as well as prayer aids, and could be used as part of your personal devotion, in a religious education setting, or, given our current societal situation, during an online prayer meeting as they work well with the shared screen setting on platforms like Zoom, for example.

The slides contain both the passages which each of the mysteries is rooted in along side a piece of art or icon that depicts the mystery. The Scriptural passages and pieces of art are worth considering in their own right, but here they come together to shed light on these important episodes of the life of Christ as viewed alongside His mother, Mary.

Each slide show contains a short theological exposition on the Luminous Mysteries written by St. John Paul II in the Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae (21) in order to enable the individual or group to gain a deeper appreciation of the profundity of these mysteries and how they all, ultimately, speak deeply of the salvific life and work of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so as to draw us into greater conformity and participation in His life through the power of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of His mother, Mary.

Scriptural Luminous Mysteries

Scriptural Luminous Mysteries with Litany of Loreto

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