(The following text is taken from Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers, 177)
When all have gathered at table, the following prayer and song may be used.
Lord, we thank you for the goodness of our people and for the spirit of justice that fills this nation. We thank you for the beauty and fullness of the land and the challenge of the cities. We thank you for our work and our rest, for one another, and for our homes.
We thank you, Lord: accept our thanksgiving on this day.
We pray and give thanks through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
R/. Amen.
An appropriate song such as “Now Thank We All Our God” may then be sung.
From USCCB, Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers (Washington, D.C., 2007), 177.

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[…] church’s called for by the Second Vatican Council (Lumen Gentium, 11). The text provides a shorter form of the blessing that could be used as a prayer before meals, but the longer version is structured as a small […]