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John Paul II: God Has Given You to Me

We need not observe the world we live in long to arrive at the conclusion that the world we live in is not as it should be from a Christian perspective. As Tony Crescio explains in this FRESHImage Presents, this situation stems, at least in part, from a failure to recognize the gifted nature of our existence. For St. John Paul II, all of creation and most especially human persons, are gifts to us, which in every encounter (from the squirrels and the trees, but most especially our encounters with another Human Person created in the Image and Likeness of God), beckons us to enter into the economy of the gift.

Music by Stephanie Wise

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Michael Belongie
Michael Belongie
2 years ago

Vanessa and Tony,
Vanessa and Tony,
Your well-paced and welcoming
voices enhanced this presentation
of Pope John Paul 11.
