In this FRESHImage Presents, Tony Crescio sits down to talk with Ms. Katie Beyers to talk about the contemplation of the sacred music performed in the St. Cecilia Concert. As Katie explains, the polyphonic construction and interlocking phrasing of sacred choral music has the ability to transport the listener to a prayerful space. For beginning listeners, Katie tells us, the impact need not be less because not well versed in sacred music. Instead, she encourages listeners to attend to the words being sung and allow the music to impact them in the fashion of contemplating a piece of visual art.

FRESHImage is a not for profit Catholic apostolate, aimed at providing individuals and communities with the resources to facilitate the full flourishing of the image of God in each and every single human person. When you live a FRESH life, you are a breath of God’s fresh, life-giving air to the world!