God’s Delight

God's Delight









Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: 5-22-16

Peace be with You,

Though the Easter Season has ended with the celebration of Pentecost last Sunday, the Church now instructs us in greater detail as to what the Paschal Mystery means for us in today’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.  Notice please, the beautiful attention to detail which the Church observes in its placement of this celebration.  Jesus tells us in the gospel today that when the ’Spirit of truth comes, he will guide us to all truth.’  Having awaited and witnessed the coming of the Holy Spirit last week at Pentecost, we have been prepared to receive the truth which that Spirit has to reveal to us.  For, just as Paul tells us in his first letter to the Corinthians that ‘none can say Jesus is Lord except through the Holy Spirit,’ so too no one can accept the mystery of Who our God is save by that same Spirit.

The message centers around the words of Christ spoken near the end of our Gospel message for today where Jesus says the Spirit will “take from what is mine and declare it to you.  Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you.”  Notice the implication here; everything the Father possesses belongs to Jesus indicating a deep unity.  However, this unity is not limited to the Two, but rather the Three, for Jesus says that the Spirit will take from what is His, indicating mutual possession.

That this unity precedes time is seen in our first reading from the book of Proverbs.  Therein, we hear the Wisdom of God speak.  The fact that Wisdom is speaking should alert us to the fact that this is not wisdom as an abstract concept, but a Person, Whom Paul recognized as Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:24).  We also see that Wisdom is the delight of God, harkening back to our reflection last week where we recognized the deep love which is shared by the Father and Son which produces the Holy Spirit.  Friends, notice the joy expressed in this reading!  And notice too that this joy is not limited to the dynamics of the life of the Trinity, but rather spills over as the Trinity delights in all it creates, most especially, the human family, meaning God delights in you!  He delights in you so much, that He wishes to share His life with you, which He has made possible through the events we have celebrated during the Easter Season!  Today, live the joy of God which is yours through the Holy Spirit!

Your servant in Christ,



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