O flower of Jesse’s stem, you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in your presence; the nations bow down in Worship before you. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid (Christian Prayer, 124).
In this reflection, Vanessa Crescio examines the third “O” Antiphon of Advent, “O Root of Jesse.” As Vanessa explains, central to the identity of the coming Messiah is that He is the Son of David, the King to whom the promise of an eternal kingdom had been given by God.
Vanessa Crescio is an accountant with Lipic’s Engagement in Saint Louis, MO. She holds an MBA from the University of Notre Dame and an MTS from Newman University. She is interested in thinking through co-responsibility in the Church and developing leadership programs to form Catholics to serve the Church with not only their knowledge, skills, and abilities but with the servant heart of Christ.
I appreciate your articulations
of the antiphon, Root of Jesse,
inclusiveness of the Incarnate
Son and David’s reign are
cohesively detailed.
Michael Belongie