Lent is the liturgical season par excellence of repentance. As a time of preparation for the saving Paschal event of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this season is traditionally dedicated to setting aside increased time for prayer, for enacting the ascetic practice of fasting, and for more generously giving alms to those in need. Of course, St. Augustine tells us, “Even at other times, to be sure, Christians ought to be fervent in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. However, this solemn season should not only stir up those who have been slack about these things at other times, but also encourage those who at other times are zealous in these matters to engage in them even more fervently” (s. 206.1). These three practices have as their aim to recognize our failings and of overcoming them with virtue so as to enter ever more deeply into the life of our God, made possible by Our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. Check back here frequently throughout the Season of Lent for free resources to help you along your Lenten journey.

Temptation in the Desert: A Scriptural Debate

We Dare to Say: The Lord's Prayer as Penitential Practice

Led into the Desert to be Tempted?

The Temptation of Christ & Authentic Human Living

3 Basic Temptations

Perpetua & Felicity: Striving for Eternal Happiness

Learning from Ashes

Ash Wednesday: The Price of Becoming Combustible