On this First Sunday of Lent, we witness the threefold temptation of Jesus in the desert by Satan. As Tony explains, through this dramatic episode in His life, Jesus reveals to us three basic temptations experienced by every single member of the human family, and simultaneously reveals how these temptations are all overcome by turning more fully toward our Heavenly Father.
Mass Readings:
Reading 1: Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15
Reading 2: Romans 10:8-13
Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
Works Cited:
Luke 6:43-44
Luke 6:45
Luke 6:46
Matthew 4:1-11 & Mark 1:12-15
Mark 1:4-5
John 13:1b
Hebrews 4:15
Luke 11:4 & Matthew 6:13
Numbers 14:33-34 & Deuteronomy 8:2
Genesis 3:1
Genesis 3:2b-3
Genesis 3:4-5
Genesis 3:6
1 John 2:16
Exodus 16:3
Exodus 17:3
Psalm 115:8 & Psalm 135:18
St. Augustine, City of God, 1.18.
Luke 3:22
Josef Pieper, The Four Cardinal Virtues, 150.
Luke 1:32-33
Tony Crescio is the founder of FRESHImage Ministries. He holds an MTS from the University of Notre Dame and is currently a PhD candidate in Christian Theology at Saint Louis University. His research focuses on the intersection between moral and sacramental theology. His dissertation is entitled, Presencing the Divine: Augustine, the Eucharist and the Ethics of Exemplarity.
Tony’s academic publications can be found here.